Opening a restaurant is the best opportunity to create a database and have the possibility of contacting customers in the future. Below we will share some strategies that will help you boost sales and retain people.
- In the establishment

- Make your social networks visible:
If you have the opportunity to put on a wall or in some space how to find your business on different social platforms, do it because you encourage diners to follow you and mention you.
- Develop dynamics with customers, which are usually quite attractive for them:
– Example 1: the customer who makes the first order of the day gets a printed coupon, with a special discount to use in a maximum of 7 days. Take a picture to later post it on social networks explaining this person was the first customer to open a day.
– Example 2: place a flyer or an acrylic sign holder on the tables with the following dynamics:
Participate and win a free meal for four! Upload your photos on Instagram stories, tag us @nameoftherestaurant and on XXX (month), XXX (day), we will mention the winner on our social networks.
Important: this flyer that will be placed on the tables must feature a picture of the real food that the winner will receive, and if it is possible showcase a table for 4 people with 4 dishes and their respective drinks and desserts. The goal is to draw the attention of the diners who will visit the business, to encourage them to participate.
- Collect the data of the customers to maintain contact with them: create a form and write their full name, birthday and WhatsApp number; this way you can contact them in the future. For example: sending them a message to thank them for coming to the opening and giving them a discount coupon to be used for the next 7 days
- In digital

- Facebook page: it is important to encourage customers to leave their testimonial, rating and recommendation on the fan page of your food business, because a high percentage of diners first read Facebook recommendations to decide whether to go to that place.
Recommendation: on the opening day, host a Live broadcast, without giving much importance to the number of fans you have, since that video remains on the platform and later more people will be able to see it, even out of curiosity. It is important to link WhatsApp Business with the Facebook page, because it will facilitate contact with people interested in the restaurant’s services.
- Instagram page: just like on Facebook, it’s important to go Live, it doesn’t matter if you have few followers, since the video is saved.
Additionally, you can share stories from each moment of the event (15 maximum to avoid spamming). You can also record 19-second reels, since these generate a high percentage of reach, besides, invite people to post photos in their stories and tag the restaurant, so you can repost and add them to your stories highlights of customers.

- Google My Business profile: you can do it with a Gmail account and you just have to search Google My Business. Then fill out the form with all the required information: address, opening hours, menu and contact information.
This platform requires verification and sends you a code that you then enter to activate the business card or profile. For a restaurant, this business profile is VERY IMPORTANT, because with all the information we can monitor how many people have click on the call button, how many people have request directions to your business, and it helps people find out about testimonials others have left for your restaurant.
We invite you to follow these recommendations and share with your experience and also the ideas you got of it.
We co-created this content with Valentina Salazar, Food Marketing Consultant (@valentinasalazarmx) to help your business grow.