Over time, coaching has become a methodology increasingly used by different companies. It consists, mainly, in accompanying, motivating and inspiring collaborators and/or employees with the purpose of maximizing their professional potential, thus improving their productivity in the long term.

So, if you want to successfully implement this type of methodology in established companies or businesses, to form high-performance groups, we recommend you to follow these six coaching strategies:


  1. Listen attentively: as a leader and restaurateur, it is very important to create an environment in which everyone feels listened to, understood, and even taken into account. This allows you to create a context of trust where communication, which facilitates mutual understanding, minimizes conflicts that can affect productivity.
  1. Ask questions: Engage in conversations in which you ask open-ended questions and allow them to express themselves, reflect or broaden their perspectives on a situation, allowing you to better understand them. Moreover, you will increase their confidence as well as gain valuable knowledge from them. With this in mind, it is appropriate to ask questions in a respectful tone that allows you to establish a comfortable environment in which trust abounds. An example of this could be the following: “How do you think we can improve customer service?
  1. Empathize with those around you: to build good long-term professional relationships, it is essential to strengthen the feeling of loyalty. One way to obtain it is through empathy, which allows us to strengthen connections, understand needs and know the motivations of our employees.
  2. Establish a sense of loyalty: when you have a loyal team, you avoid spending time and money moving or changing different work groups. Likewise, a good staff that shares objectives with the restaurant can have a positive impact on both customers and the work environment.


  1. Establish responsibilities: defining the activities and roles of each individual within the business will allow each collaborator to feel that their role is fundamental to the success of the business. Once this is achieved, you will strengthen the feelings of belonging and eliminate the individualistic mentality that focuses on your own success.
  2. Establish a constructive feedback dynamic: to create an environment in which your staff feels motivated, it is important to emphasize individual successes, talents, achievements, and even recognize needs. On the other hand, it is also essential to communicate failures in an empathetic, assertive, direct and specific manner.

An environment where there is constructive communication in the face of any difficulty allows employees to feel that their leader actively supports them. By eliminating feelings of guilt or stress, performance improves and the feeling of being on the road to success is strengthened.  Motivated individuals are able to turn challenges into opportunities for growth, so they constantly nurture their skills and even develop new ones. Applying these strategies will help you build a high-performance team whose professional growth will improve productivity, allowing you to achieve new goals.